Buyers Guide

Buying Property In Antigua — The Process and Associated Fees

  • To purchase property in Antigua, non-citizens need to apply for a licence which costs 7% of the purchase price.
  • For land purchase, compliance with the details of the non-citizen’s licence is required and building work must be completed within a given timescale.
  • The buyer pays government transfer fees of 2.5%.
  • Rates and property taxes are based on rental value.
  • The majority of property is fee simple or freehold. Leaseholds are rare and usually held by the Crown.
  • Legal costs vary between 1% and 2% depending on property value.
  • Properties are registered at the Land Registry. There is no title insurance.
  • Property management fees are usually 10%. Rental commissions are 8.33% of the value of the lease on a typical 12 month rental. 
  • Withholding taxes are 25% of the net rental income for non-residents.
  • Insurance cover is approximately 2.0% of the insured risk; deductible of 2% includes earthquakes & named storms.
  • Bank financing is available but interest rates in Antigua are fairly high compared with the US & Europe.
  • Houses are usually serviced with a septic tank. Water cisterns are required. The majority of properties are serviced by government electricity and water, cable TV, telephone and broadband.

Citizenship By Investment Programme (CIP)
Obtain Antiguan Citizenship With Your Real Estate Investment

Obtaining a passport through the citizenship by investment programme allows an investor and their family to enjoy a number of benefits conferred by their citizenship. As a member of the Commonwealth the holder of an Antigua and Barbuda passport can enjoy visa-free travel to over 100 countries including the United Kingdom, Canada and all European Union Schengen countries. As well as the ability to travel freely and invest in a growing economy the citizenship will allow, but not require, an investor the ability to reside in Antigua for as long as they would like.

What Are The Benefits Of The Citizenship By Investment Programme?

The benefits of dual or multiple citizenship range from ease of movement where there is political and social unrest, where travel within or out of a country might be restricted, where personal and family security might be a concern to investment planning, to where an individual may need to transfer funds in order to reduce taxation and prepare for the future. Citizenship by Investment should be distinguished from residency programmes. Although many countries offer residency visas to investors and wealthy individuals there are few countries with provisions for granting Citizenship by Investment. Citizenship by Investment is the granting of citizenship status to an individual and their immediate family members contingent on a specific investment within the country granting the citizenship.

Routes To Citizenship By Investment​

There are several possible routes including investment in a national development fund, real estate purchase and business investment. The real estate investment allows an investor to gain citizenship as well as own a revenue generating asset with potential for future capital gain. Contact us for a list of approved developments and property options.

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